Trinity School

Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award 2016

Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award 2016

I am proud to have led the D of E Silver Award expedition this year and co-ordinating a Bell Boating Expedition along with Ben Bullen and his team. The Students have been supported by our staff here at Trinity School who have worked hard to ensure they were training and ready for the Expedition.

As a school this was the first time of offering the Silver Award to our students and not only this to give them the opportunity of Bell Boating. We are immensely proud of the 5 Students who have completed their Award this year along with another 5 Students who completed their Bronze Award earlier on this year.

The Students have learnt a variety of skills from leadership and independence to cooperation and understanding. Their commitment not only to the expedition on the River Medway but also the hours of training they have put in to ensure they were successful is incredible. All students that attended had a fantastic experience and to say how proud I am into words is extremely difficult. Hopefully the clip below illustrates just how amazing this experience has been for our Students here at Trinity School.

Well done everyone and a big thank you to all of the staff both on expedition and training that have assisted in the teaching and mentoring of our students.

Danielle Hawkins